
We share Nonviolent Communication (Compassionate Communication) with individuals, couples, families, schools, and organizations. We also teach processes that incorporate NVC such as Restorative Circles and Sociocracy.

How can you as individual or a couple learn what we teach?

  • Come to one of the introductions, workshops, classes or practice grouips that weoffer to the general public from time to time
  • Connect with us in person or by phone for individual coaching

How can your organization learn what we teach?
Invite us to offer:

  • a 2-3 hour introduction
  • a 2-3 day participatory workshop
  • a  6 to 12 session seminars
  • a training and consultation in support of full-fledged implementation in your new or existing organization

We look forward to sharing with you what has been so meaningful to us.