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Bringing Mindful Speech to Life



Peggy Smith

Location: Nobleboro, Maine, US

  Kennedy Learning Center, Camp Kieve, Nobleboro, ME
Kennedy Learning Center, Camp Kieve

Date and Time:

  Fri, Feb 21, 2014   
Sat, Feb 22, 2014   
Sun, Feb 23, 2014   

Requested donation:

  Room & Board fees depend on occupancy. Tuition by donation


  This weekend retreat combines the mindfulness practices of the Thich Nhat Hanh tradition along with instruction & practice of Nonviolent Communication.  Our time together will include meditation, mindful walking & eating, deep relaxation, Noble Silence and skillful practicing of NVC.  We will explore how NVC can be a bridge to the awareness found on the cushion to the moment-to-moment interactions with others.  How we can take the 4th Mindfulness Training of Deep Listening and Mindful Speech and bring it alive in our daily lives.
No prior experience in meditation or NVC is required.

Who is it for?

  Anyone who wants to explore NVC through a Buddhist lense.

Registration and deposit info:

  For complete information:

What to bring:

  Your open heart and curious mind

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